Diana Von Rigg | Professional Birmingham Dominatrix
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Read some of the feedback from My boys over the years...

Testimonials from throughout the years....

Slave b

Miss Diana

I have had five days to consider the wonder of our time together. I came to you as an inexperienced submissive. There had been moments in my past when I had taken a modest amount of treatment but it was never enough. Recently though, I knew the time was right to broaden my knowledge and acceptance of what I truly needed.

Thank you for accepting me as a slaveboy, as an object, maybe as a project and also as a person. Our desires for discipline and obedience have met perfectly and I think that I am now one of the happiest boys that you will have serve you.

The dynamic we established pleased us both. There was humour, understanding and a natural appreciation of your dominance and my acceptance. I hadn’t anticipated kneeling on a tray of uncooked rice as you checked my homework. A glorious introduction to your wickedness. From then, the application of your implements of choice across my bottom and back was absolute perfection.

The pain you brought and the suffering I had was sheer pleasure and every change of pace thrilled me. Every moment that was a bit much for me was cut short but there was always something else just as delightful and challenging to follow. The boot worship and the hands tied behind my back, I will remember as incredible moments of supplication. Strapped and tied to the frame to take the single-tail and the floggers, that was beyond my expectations. Across the bench with the paddles and the cane and then the cane across my palms and then the perfect denouement, up against the wall for a flogging to remember, my satisfaction – unmeasurable. If I’d had enough, I was still left wanting so much more. You certainly took me to a place I’ve wanted to go to for a long time. I thank you so much.

My bottom today still bears (perhaps to me) a surprisingly purple and very bruised understanding. Please take photos next time, I’m sure they would garner some intriguing twitter interest. I didn’t know that I would be affected so visibly but I do still crave more of your attention. I have so many ideas and possibilities running through my mind. Some of them are very naughty...

Miss Diana, you have my thanks, my admiration and my gratefulness. We will see each other again and we will both have the best time ever. Until then I continue to wish you well in all that you do and love.

I have chosen my Mistress well. You were, are and will continue to be a beautiful and magnificent influence on my life. Your use and abuse of me can only make me better. And  I know that you’ll love it too.

slaveboy b

Sissy Rhiannon

Oh my. well I'm trying to process everything that has happened today, and it is just amazing, a mixture of humiliation, being scared, feeling empowered, and just feeling so god damm amazing! Thank you, thank you so much, you don't know what you've done for my mental health today, it was truely amazing. You're a wonderful MIstress and woman. Sorry that last sentence didn't quite come out right. You're a wonderful woman, you have embraced matriarchy, I utterly support that. You said that you're going to educate the world one sissy at a time. I love that! Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart.

XXX they're from the heart, today was life changing for me. I'd put so much importance on an on line relationship over the last year, but I've come to realise that it was actually quite harming. What I needed was real life and you have delivered in that respect 1000% Today was amazing, thank you.

* She was reprimanded over her spelling and grammar


I once again had the pleasure of meeting Diana at a strap-on party (my third time being lucky enough to attend with DVR). As a strap-on party is a social occasion as well as play it's always great to spend time with Diana and her infectious laugh.

Please don't misunderstand though even in this more relaxed setting Diana certainly does not let her considerable strap-on skills suffer and can REALLY give one hell of a pounding (but no more than you can take so calm down newbies).  

Personally I can't wait for the next one so I can spend time with this amazing lady.

Slave P

   After many years of dipping my toe into bdsm with on and off sessions I visited mistress Diana Von Rigg at her dungeons in Birmingham which completely changed my exploration of my interests. The mistress has a deep understanding of the submissive mind and knowledge of bdsm practices which she has used to great effect to take me to my very limits and show me my true submissive nature whilst always staying consensual and safe. Mistress has let me explore chastity, worship, bondage, suspension, mumification and denial, all to a depth I have never been to with each session bettering the last with the intensity rising on each encounter as her imagination and obvious passion for what she does has no bounds.

      I have truly melted under mistresses control and dominance and her talent for expressing her natural feminine superiority is incredible to behold. Mistress Diana Von Rigg has no need to shout or get angry in her sessions, she uses her breathtaking pin up looks and a light teasing touch or whisper to have her slave fall to there knees in complete subjugation and adoration.

      However Mistress Von Rigg is in no way to be taken lightly, disobey or displease her in any way, shape or form and her sweet smile will be replaced by her talent for punishment and torture. Make no mistake, Domina Von Rigg is a mistress who’s passion is dominance and power over her subordinatants whether through encouragement or the punishing power of  her ball busting skill or whip hand each will be experienced as her jugdement decides.

      Mistress Diana Von Rigg has shown me how deep my submission runs which no other domina has done whilst always offering a guiding hand when doubts or questions have arisen whether inside or outside the dungeon. Our encounters have always left me with a deep sense of satisfaction and I feel privaledged and lucky to have found such incredible Domina in the ever increasingly full bdsm scene. I just hope I can keep up.


I am a somewhat reserved submissive and having never seen a Dominatrix in person before now I was a bag of nerves before meeting Goddess Diana. We had chatted previously and a session arrangement had just flowed. She talks with such grace and compassion that I could just not say no. And to say I had no regrets would be an understatement. As soon as I met her I was blown away by her looks and her style, she had such an air of confidence about her and walked with such purpose that she had me trembling at the knees.

However, she immediately put me at ease with her understanding and compassionate manner when she talked about herself and the session to come. We got on instantly, her sense of humour is second to none and we shared many a laugh before, during and after the session.

We had arranged to meet at a location in a more domestic setting in central London, again her choice of setting was faultless. As soon as I was on my knees in front of her to the moment I left I was enthralled by her commanding presence, and her ability to flood all my senses with her sexual, playful yet sadistic words and touches. Although we had talked for some time before even arranging the session she seemed to intrinsically know what kind of play would suit me and before long I was eager to do whatever she wished. I felt safe in her presence and not once did she push me into an area that I didn’t want to be in. Goddess Diana is a genuine Dominatrix, and the care she provided to make our session an unforgettable one was unparalleled. She obviously enjoyed every minute as well which just had me in even more rapture of her authenticity. She is a truly sensual and dominant woman with the ability to make you feel out of this world. I can now attest to many of the fetishes listed on her website all of which she will carry out with attention to detail and in such a way that will leave you begging for more.

I have since been in contact with Goddess Diana and am keen to continue my servitude towards her in any way possible. She has given me feelings that I just can’t forget and I hope to be back at her feet very very very soon.


I have been sessioning with ProDommes now for some years. I am based in the Midlands but have travelled the country in pursuit of the perfect Mistress. Over the years I have had some great sessions, and sadly some not so great. However, try as I might, there was always something missing from my sessions. There was never that spark, never that desire to truly submit a Mistress. There was an always an interest to, but the nature of my sessions always felt very transactional. Over time, this is the standard I became to expect as the norm.

I started to follow Mistress Diana von Rigg in the early part of 2018 and I was immediately interested. I felt a real connection with some of tweets and became interested in sessioning with Mistress. I continued to watch from afar, not yet ready to contact Mistress as I wasn’t in a position to book a session.

Fast forward to early May and I was finally armed with a number of suitable dates and a session tribute ready to go in my bank account. I therefore made my first contact, through a Twitter a DM, which is unusual for me as I prefer email as I know there’s a lot of timewasters on Twitter.

I got an instant response and instantly hit things off with Mistress. We had a great couple of evenings talking and a date for a session was soon arranged. Mistress also took control of my orgasms in the week leading to the session. This was a huge deal for me and something I never for a second thought I would be able to stick to. I am a very much a 2 a day man and depending on what else was on that day (and how bored I got) this could increase. I still remember asking Mistress to take control of my orgasms, in the back of my mind I thought ‘oh its okay, she won’t know if I don’t stick to it’. My session was due to take place on a Wednesday so I thought as long as I abstained from say Sunday evening I’d be fine. This had been my attitude to chastity for years, I was interested but didn’t think I could give up my orgasms.

It soon became apparent to me that my level of submission had become deeper than I thought. I was amazing at how I wouldn’t even touch myself as I hadn’t had permission from my Mistress. It got to the stage where I had been given permission to cum, I’d have hesitated as I knew it was pleasing for Mistress for me to stay in chastity. Hearing her say she was proud of me gave me such an incredible feeling and I was desperate to impress.

I went the whole week without an orgasm, without a doubt the longest period I had gone since I discovered what happened if you played with yourself long enough as a teenager!

I find it very difficult to put into words how incredible our session was. The dungeon was conveniently located in a quiet road. Miss ensured that I knew exactly how to get there and was waiting for me just inside the door. She looked absolutely incredible, she gracefully led me upstairs to the dungeon and we had a brief chat about limits and what activities would be included (this was only brief because we had discussed this before). With every other session I had found myself sending a very detailed list of my wants for session, this was different though. I felt such a strong sense of submission to Miss that I made my limits clear and explained that I didn’t want the session to be about what Miss could do for me, it was what I could do for Miss.

I was told to get undressed and Miss immediately got to work on making it clear who was in charge. I think the exact details of a session should be private – if you want to know what happens at a session then book one with Miss Diana von Rigg! However we covered a number of activities which Miss expertly delivered.

I am now proud and honoured to say that Mistress has agreed to own me. Ownership was something I had never been interested in before I met Mistress but I soon found myself with an uncontrollable desire to be owned. I had found perfection and I had no desire to serve any other Mistress. Mistress now controls my orgasms at all times, I am so lucky and privileged that she is willing to do this.

Thank you Mistress Diana von Rigg, not only for such a fantastic session but also for the way you have taken control over areas of my life that I never expected to hand over. My submission to you grows deeper by the day and I am so excited for the future of our Domme/sub relationship


I have always been a shy submissive, hiding behind my screen and never feeling able to approach a Domme for real. Everything changed however, when I had the honor of encountering Miss Rigg.
I was initially very nervous, and committing to my servitude was a big step; but I can now say in earnest that it has been the greatest and most rewarding experience of my entire life, and I have felt truly free under her guidance, discipline and instruction. There is simply no finer Mistress to command your ultimate devotion.

Her passion, authenticity and commitment to the lifestyle are second to none, setting her apart from other Domme’s out there and she will truly take you on a very positive journey that will leave you pleading for more.

Her natural dominance is immediately apparent, and her very presence will bring you willingly to your knees and have every fiber of your being begging for the privilege of serving her. Miss Rigg effortlessly commands worship, and you will find you lose yourself completely in subjection as you fall under her spell.

I cannot recommend a visit to her highly enough; I truly am in awe of this incredible woman. Not only does she create a genuine safe space free from judgment, I feel utterly liberated when I am lucky enough to be in her presence. Miss Rigg makes me feel completely comfortable and I trust her entirely. She will own your mind, she will own you. You will learn new things about yourself while she works her magic, pushing your limits but never breaking them. Just a simple look into her alluring eyes will have you desperate to worship her and eager to please her. She is a Domme like no other. Her power over you will be irrefutable. You came this far didn’t you… take the next step now, and I know you will never look back. Although lets be honest… by that point, you won’t have a choice.



I am proud to say that I have been serving Diana Von Rigg as a sub since January 2018. Our meeting was by mere chance online however I was immediately captivated by Her. I had some experience in serving a Domme before but her expertise was apparent right away as it has remained since. It’s clear for me to see the difference in class between an Elite Domme and the other couple of casual encounters I have had before and ‘bowled over’ is the closest I can put how I felt seeing someone take the lifestyle seriously as a fetishist, as I do.

There is only a limited space to write Her attributes but if I’m glad to have found a naturally dominant Goddess who has a genuine love of kink and and who has allowed me to be who I am as a submissive. Miss Rigg goes beyond perfection for me and has allowed me to express myself properly as a submissive both online and real time. Being her slave is a wish come true. She understands all of my fetishes, even less common or more extreme genres as well as my limitations/boundaries (even though I enjoy pushing them with Her) and has helped me understand more about myself in the process of being under Her and was very quick to put me into subspace which was, again a new experience for me. Sessions with Miss Rigg are mind blowing for me and I always feel safe in Her hands where things like pain play are concerned. She certainly has an artistry and a uniqueness in the things she does.

I feel myself raised up by Her standards and expectations to match how much I really look up to Her for everything that she is which is important for me. I’m well put in my place and very happy to be here.


Slave B

A night not so long ago, I was trolling through my Twitter feed and came across a tweet that actually made me chuckle out loud. This certain tweet had a photo of some very sexy boots, and under that photo it said, “I think I bought these by accident, Ha Ha!” Amused by the tweet, I decided to message this individual to see where the boots were purchased.

I message many people when a tweet catches my eye. Very seldom do I ever get a reply, which is understandable seeming how most I message are pro Dommes or Findoms and normally don’t know me – not saying that to offend anyone in any way, but without a tribute attached or a message concerning a session or tribute, well we all know the protocol. But on this particular evening, I did receive a reply….”I got them from amazon” with a link attached…..my life has never been the same.

Since then, I have had the complete honor, the fortunate experience and a complete privilege to serve this ultra sexy, compationate, Beautiful, stern, alluring, mesmerizing, truly one of a kind Mistress. I’ve been into the scene for over 30 years, and never once encountered a person such as “Diana Von Rigg”. She truly is a dream come true, a fantasy turned into a reality…a person that has truly swept me off my feet, in every aspect. It makes me wonder at times why it took so long to find a person such as she…it doesn’t matter, what matters is I did and I’ve never been happier or more content…ever!

I live to serve her and her only now. My Mistress makes me smile, tremble, think things through, blush and keeps me on my toes 24 hrs a day. I wait patiently to hear from her, whether it be minutes, hours, days or weeks, when i do my heart just beats that much faster. My purpose is to obey, to accomadate and show her the respect she so deserves. My goal is to put a smile on this young Woman’s face at all times possible and provide for her the incredibly warm passionate feelings she provides for me.

As I said in the begining… my life will never be the same.

Thank You my Beautiful Mistress!

My servitude and love always, your Chastity slave “B”

Mistress Diana in a corset grabbing her slaves hair and pulling it back while flashing the top of her stocking and flexing the muscle in her calves

© 2025 Diana Von Rigg | Professional Dominatrix

Diana Von Rigg | Professional Birmingham Dominatrix

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